The Jetset Writer

Successful Way To Become A Freelance Writer.

What It Takes To Become A Successful Freelance Comic Book Writer

As the freelance writing industry expands, there is a growing interest in comic book writing. Comic book writers today can use the Internet to reach out to potential clients. They can sell their comics through a website or even create a site that displays new comic strips. To become successful, writers will need a few key talents and a strong sense of ambition.

  • The Comic Industry
  • Once someone makes it in the comic book industry, they can end up earning a fairly impressive salary. A typical graphic novel will earn $100 to $300 per page if the writer is established. For top illustrators, this rate can go up to $1,000 per page. This means that some of the top comic book artists and writers command six-figure salaries every year.

  • Consider a Screenwriting Class
  • Comic books are designed to create a story using visual imagery, but they still contain speech. In essence, comic books are a written version of a film. For new comic book writers, a screenwriting class is an excellent way to understand how to create speech and visually demonstrate a story. To be successful, the comic book must have well-developed characters, a moving story line and fresh ideas. New writers will be able to learn how to create these things in a screenwriting class.

  • Create a Website
  • When a writer is struggling to break into the industry, they can start by creating a website. There are a number of Internet comics that earn writers a decent salary. Although it takes time to develop and expand the site, it could ultimately be the writer's main source of income. In addition, the website will serve as an online portfolio for publishers who may want to hire the writer.

  • Send in a Query Letter
  • A query letter is one of the most traditional ways for a writer to find a publisher. Once the writer has a well-developed comic book and plot line, they can create a query letter. They should send this letter to a large list of comic book publishers and hope that they get a response.

Even with a website, a good idea and a query letter, comic book writers are going to face rejections. The comic book industry is extremely competitive, and even the best ideas will get turned down. After dealing with a rejection, the only thing that a writer can do is keep trying. They should fine tune their comic book, create a website and develop a new story. With dedication and practice, they will one day get their work onto a publisher's desk.